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Sunday, July 29, 2007

100 reasons why evolution is so stupid

If you have the unwavering patience to sit through a few hours of nonsense, it may be a funny experience for you to watch this. I am amazed at how some people can make assumptions with no evidence and pretend to adequately refute scientific theory which has tons of evidence to support it.

I especially like it when he says towards the beginning that we've never seen a star forming, therefore cosmic evolution is a hoax. His inability to step out of his own bible-slave paradigm for a moment of intellectual stimulation is incredible. If something takes millions of years to happen, and doesn't happen within a time short enough for his attention span or life, it must not be possible.

"Nobody's ever seen a dog produce a non-dog." -- Dr. Kent Hovind, DUI (Doctor of Unlimited Idiocy)


On August 05, Anonymous said...
I do want to make it clear that I personally do not believe in intelligent design, and for that matter I do not believe in any god. I have no issue however in other people believing what they want to believe, as long as they do not try to force their beliefs on others. If one has honestly considered all the factual evidence and they are still convinced that there is indeed a god, then good for them. However, when people do not use their critical thinking skills and take whatever garbage a person of authority hands to them, I can't help but to feel sad for those people, and angry that they allow themselves to be lead so blindly.

On August 04, Draven said...
Very well said, Thor. I think the key point you hit on is a matter of paradigm. If you view the world only in the context of your own human lifetime, it's easy to think that something can't be true if you haven't seen it for yourself. If you come to the table with an understanding that earth is a tiny speck of space and time in the vast universe, it's easy to have an open mind.

I believe evolution is the best scientific theory we have for species creation at this time, although like you said it doesn't answer all questions. Science never answers all questions, that is what faith pretends to do.

The strange paradox is that someone can require direct physical evidence they can see with their own 2 eyes for cosmic or species evolution, and yet so passionately believe in an omnipotent invisible being with no evidence at all (direct or indirect) besides a collection of stories written by human beings. Dogma and tradition trump reason.

I believe the human race has an instinctual need to understand and classify the world. Science is an output of this desire. Faith is also an output, although in this case a critical error has been made. The error is not being able to accept "I don't know"....and pretending you know the answers instead.

On August 04, Anonymous said...
He is very convincing, as long as you know nothing about the science behind radiometric decay, stellar formation, geology and paleontology. It amazes me how so many people have such difficulty fathoming how old our earth really is. How vain does one have to be to believe that there was no Earth before we got here? And to believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old, how small must your thinking be to believe that. I think most people can't fathom 4.6 billion years, maybe it frightens them to think how small that idea makes them feel.

Dr Hoven has a $250,000 dollar bet that no one can show him evidence of evolution. Well, ask any nutritional anthropologist, and they can tell you that Cauliflower and Broccoli (and several other of our favorite vegetables) come from the same species of plant, Brassica oleracea, and through domestication have created distinct sub species. Through random mutation and cultivation based on desired characteristics (analogise to natural selection), we now have 6 different cultivated vegetable types. Of course, no one has collected on that bet, because it is impossible to prove something to somebody that is so adamant that they are right that they refuse to acknowledge evidence to the contrary.

It is sad when people blatantly manipulate information for the purpose of imposing their beliefs on people whom they have influence over. I watched his entire presentation on why evolution is stupid, then I checked his claims with what the data actually says, not one of his points is in-line with actual data.

Now, I am not saying that those that believe in evolution divulge the entire truth either. There is a lot that we do not know. I have looked at both sides of this issue in depth for over 6 years, and I can not say that either belief is right. In my mind, I have no difficulty in believing that there maybe an intelligence driving the mechanism of evolution. Why wouldn't a creator use the mechanisms and laws of nature he created?