Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The Product of Explicit Theistic Brainwashing
I came across this painful video of a poor, brainwashed idiot child who is obviously very troubled. His utter belief in the absolute truth of complete rubbish is like a car accident; so horrible yet you can not look away.
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This video contains obvious falsehoods passed off as truth, that is what I vehemently oppose.
I happen to believe in God as Divine Creator of all things. I can't begin to describe God in terms for others to understand, nor can I provide any infallable 'evidence' of God's existence, but I do believe...for myself.
This video seems to be merely an attempt at discrediting evolution as the "end-all"...i.e., that "everything we know to exist today came from a single celled source a long, long time ago". That concept takes just as massive a "leap of faith" as believing that God created everything, I'd say. To explain the utter diversity of life-forms we've discovered here on Earth (and we haven't yet discovered them all, we're learning!) by evolutionary theories gets quite contorted and complicated, and many 'loose-ends' arise that can't be tied up.
I should also add that I happen to believe in the process of evolution (i.e., that all life "evolves" over time, but that "evolving" process (in my belief) was engineered and created by the same Creator I believe made everything else. I believe God designed and initiated the evolutionary process as part of the Master Plan.
I'm taking a bit of liberty here, and I'm attaching a little "fantasy story" I came up with while responding to another discussion topic about evolution vs Creationism. Hopefully, you'll take this for what it was intended...certainly not intended to offend or belittle anyone's personal beliefs...rather, it's intended to foster 'contemplation' of the subject, that's all. Enjoy!
How to "prove" Creation is real.
Soooo, soooo complicated, truly.
You see, it all happened a long, long, long, long time ago in the netherworld we now think of as the great and mysterious Universe. Since the beginning of forever, there have been forces of good and evil, positive and negative, plus and minus...busily engaged in a balance/counterbalance of all things. If one side twitched, so did the opposite side. If one side flickered, so did the opposite side. And so it was, for the Ages and Ages, and the balance/counterbalance kept all things according to the principles of perfection. And it was good.
When the Man first awoke to himself on one small particle of dust in one small cluster of stars and suns and moons...he was not keenly aware of his whereabouts or his reason for being there. He would not learn much more about that for many millenia to come.
When the Man slowly began to understand what he was made of, what he saw, felt, smelt, tasted, heard, 'perceived' everywhere around him.....that it was all very wonderful indeed, and it was all his own to do whatever he wished to do with it.
Only something was not quite right. The Man did not completely respect the forces which had made all his realm possible. The Man ignored the balance/counterbalance exertions and took many matters into his own hand. And the Man did this similar thing in many and varied venues and arenas.
And the Man began at length to contemplate his purpose once again. And lo, he saw too clearly that his self-indulgence was responsible for many and varied ailments and ugliness and pain. And the Man tried to undo the things he'd done. And the Man could not agree on what to do.
And the Man began to die away...and then there were none.
Then a new light shone upon the face of the Earth. And a new Man arose from the ruins of before. And the new Man understood in heart and soul that he was one with all around. And he didn't question because he knew. And he didn't hate because he loved. And he didn't hurt because he helped.
And the Man was pleased with himself. And the forces of balance/counterbalance were pleased with the Man. And the Man was one with the forces of balance/counterbalance. And all things were good. And the Man continued to evolve and grow to fulfil the role laid out in that deepest darkest corner of the netherworld so long, long ago. That dream that our Creator had for us. To one day come to understand that it was Love itself which has brought us to be, and it is Love itself which will keep us to be.
God bless us all!